Admiring long beans at the Accessible Garden.
August 24, 2010. |
It means a lot to me that you've been the earliest viewers to this blog. Thanks for your amazing support and enthusiasm so far - what a gift each and all of you are! Keep your comments, suggestions, and ideas coming. It's great to feel this kind of connection across the world with family and friends from Malaysia, new friends from Ohio, old friends from California and Chicago, and dear ones from around this happy valley in western Massachusetts. Thanks for your understanding as I find my way through the ins and outs of creating and writing this blog, and seeing what works and what doesn't doesn't work so well.... Love, Theresa
Hello Theresa,
ReplyDeleteWendy sent me to your great blog...accessible gardens are such a grand idea...for everyone. Thanks for writing about it...what a wonderful tribute to your daughter.
Hey! Who are you callin old??
ReplyDeleteHaha -- yes, you may have been just a babe when we first met, but it was a looong time ago, old friend!!